Instead of trying to post daily updates on things that have been going on, I am just going to post as I feel. If I find things I like and want to share, If I have an interesting story or experience to share, etc...

Obvisouly I have changed the name and look to my blog. I have recently found a new guilty pleasure of the Real Housewive series on Bravo ( Why, I do not know!)
As much as I love the shows (specifically OC and Beverly Hills) I seem to find myself resenting them! I do not have a nanny or 2 or 3, I dont drive a Bentley, and I absolutely do NOT have on FULL Makeup at all hours of the day and night!
Is there really anything "Real" about these housewives??
So, my mission is to share the things that a "real, genuine" housewife does and experiences!
Will you join me?!
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