Obviously...A lot has been going on...Mainly, Cooper making his big debut (a whole month early)! But I will get more on that later. Since I am so far behind, I am going to start back with something that is short and sweet and that wont take me too long to complete! A 30 Day Photo Challenge! As I find time (which is very sparingly) I will update everyone on Cooper's decision to come early, the up's and downs's we have had with him being a preemie, and of course all of the milestones that we have and continue to reach being new parents!!
But for now, since I am sure he will be waking up from his nap VERY shortly I will leave with the Photo Challenge for day #1.
Photo Challenge Day 1--A Photo of Yourself with 15 Facts!
PS--While pregnant and since then, I have been refusing to pose for pictures...However, my mom snapped this one of me on Christmas at my Grandmothers!

1. I love organization, but honestly, have a really hard time sticking to it
2. I have an addiction to bags (Purses, Tote Bags, Beach Bags,etc..)
3. I love being a mother, more than I thought I would.
4. I still have not finished my degree...SHAME on me...I know! It is not something I am proud of.
5. I met my husband for the first time driving down hwy 378 on the way home from Myrtle Beach. (Yikes,kinda scary right! I'll tell the whole story later)
6. I am terrified of the dark and windows without curtains at night!
7. Despite my fears, I love watching "Mystery" shows..NCIS,Law and Order,Dateline specials etc..
8. I prefer carpet to hardwoods
9. I have owned a sewing machine for almost 2 years, and have just started to learn how to use it.
10. I thoroughly enjoy eating a Wendys Chocolate Frosty and dipping their french fries into it! Yumm!!
11. I prefer to be outside rather than inside..(Complete opposite of my husband)
12.I find myself imaging I have a champagne life budget, when in reality it seems I barely have a beer life budget!
13. Speaking of alcohol...I RARELY drink..The occasional glass of wine is nice.
14. I believe that my husband truly is my soul mate.
15. I believe my son is the cutest being on the planet! :)
Yay! I have done it! Finally completed another blog!! Whew, and just in time as Coop is stirring!
Tomorrow's Photo Challenge-- Someone you used to be close with...Hmmmm, who should I choose??
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