Alright, so I feel like every time I get around to posting a new update I must apologize for the delay between posts...So, in true Amy Style..."my apologies"!
Things have been somewhat crazy lately and honestly, every day I say to myself that I want to do a post..but then all those crazy pregnant emotions kick in and I either A.) forget B.)get a case of writers block, even though Ive been dwelling on tons of things to post or C.) just plain procrastinate!
To catch you up a little on what has been going on...Most of you may already know that I have been having a few complications.
My Dr. called me labor day weekend...on Sunday...Mine and Brandon's FIRST anniversary....To let me know that my test results came back and that I was preeclamptic/toxemic and that I was to be confined to bed rest...Well heck, what a way to spend your first anniversary! Dont ya think?!
**For those who are unaware of what Preeclampsia actually is and are interested in know the details, check out
THIS article on BabyCenter about the condition, symptoms, causes and what exactly I am experiencing!
Of course, if you are like me..When you are working 40+ hours a week you dream of the day when you can stay home, lay around, enlist someone to do all of your household chores etc....Well, let me just say..That this scenario is enjoyable for about 1-2 days! After that, it is pure torture!! I do not like asking someone to get things for me, clean things for me, cook for me etc....If I am going to be at home, I want to be doing something productive!!
Being on bed rest really does take a toll on you emotionally, physically, and mentally! I have been one ginormous ball of hormonal emotions lately!! :(
Moving on...Considering the emotional horror of being put on bed rest I found myself thinking...Well, atleast I can drown my sorrows in ice cream or something sweet....Reality Check #2....The same week I found out I was going on bed rest, I was also informed from my Dr. that I would be having to do the 3 hour glucose test to check for gestational diabetes since I failed the original glucose test!
Fast forward almost a week and Pow! No more sugary sweets for me! I am now checking my blood sugar with a meter 4-5 times a day. I have not yet been put on any medication or insulin since we will review my levels at my appointment on Tuesday this week. So, we will see...However, I have noticed that my levels are not as high as they have been...(This being said, of course I have been trying to sneak in SOME type of sweet treat at least once a day)
I go to a diabetes class tomorrow afternoon and then go to my Dr. on Tuesday for an ultrasound to check on Baby H's weight and growth!
After this...I promise to update! :)